I want you to read this with the highest order of imagination.
I wouldn’t say I entirely believe in love at first sight but it happens to people or maybe it did happen to me too or maybe not.
The very first time I saw him, he was in the midst of his fellow choristers. At that moment, I haven’t even seen how he entirely looked like but from afar, he was looking pretty good, smart and so sweet. I’d tell you, what attracted me to him was the impression that he was quiet. He looked quiet and well collected. I would be in fact shocked if it happened that he’s not. He was so attractive, looking at him from afar.
‘’This guy is fine’ I said to myself smiling like a fool.
I tried to take a quick look at the other guys in the congregation but no guy beat his looks.
I need to be asked some questions like, ‘’do you love LOVE?’’, because I dooo. I really do but sometimes it’s just what it is.
I didn’t understand the reason I was all excited seeing him for the very first time because I suddenly got over him that same day. Hmm.
In the middle of the service one Sunday, my friend who it was her first time attending the church directed my attention to the guy I found attractive.
‘’That guy looks like Gideon’’, she said referring to someone who both knew. I smiled and nodded in agreement. Till the end of service, I was making sure to take a look at him, smiling like a fool. Wait, I thought I said I was over him the same day I saw him. Also, don’t ask me what the topic of the sermon was please.
I looked at him from head to toe after service that day when he wasn’t even aware. He was wearing a white t-shirt with the sleeves folded, a black office trousers, and black shoes and accompanied it with a medium black bag. Yes, he’s tall. He’s tall tooo. His mum must have prayed earnestly for a good-looking son.
I became anxious as he happened to walk pass me. Is it how you people feel when you like someone? You people are enjoying oh. You’re enjoying the feeling of anxiety and excitement. Lmaoo.
Anyways, I started thinking of him from time to time and I was always excited to go to church because I was going to see him. I started having the feeling of wanting to know him because I even had no idea what his name was. Crazy right? I would imagine ways to approach and talk to him. I even thought I was directly going to tell him I liked him. What was I thinking??? Then I thought maybe I should ask for him name first, collect his phone number, tell him I wanted to be his friend and get closer to him.
What is making me laugh right now is he didn’t even know I existed. Even though he saw me, he didn’t even send me. I would always think, yeah maybe he was even in a relationship, he liked someone or someone liked him and it bothered me a little. Just a little. Chai. I must have been on crack or something.
I decided I was going to approach him and talk to him. I was really excited about making that move but I couldn’t. That day, he wasn’t around. I was so upset.
‘’did he come today?’’ I asked my friend while laying on my bed cold and weak.
‘’yes he did’’ she answered. I was pained. Yet another chance of me talking to him blew. I couldn’t afford attending that day’s service because I was too strong. I missed seeing him. It hurt me like crazy.
I thought there was going to be another chance of talking to him but there wasn’t. I didn’t think there would be or maybe there would. I knew nothing about him. If it was his name at least, I’d would have been glad but nothing.